Trust Registration in Chennai

Trust registration in Chennai with trust deed drafting service by professional trust registration consultants.

Trust registration service

  1. Trust deed drafting.
  2. Government fees for trust registration.
  3. Stamp duty of Rs.1000.
  4. PAN Card for the Trust.

What are the  documents required for Trust registration in Chennai ?

  1. Filled up the Trust registration checklist.
  2. Aadhaar card and PAN  card of all the founders and trustees.
  3. E-mail ID and mobile NOS of founders and trustees.
  4. Details regarding any specific points to be added, etc.
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    What is Trust registration ?

    Trust is a separate legal entity registered as per Indian Trust ACT 1982. Trust Act 1982 specifies who is eligible to register a trust, and what are the responsibilities and rights of the founders, trustees, and beneficiaries. There is no separate ACT for Tamil Nadu, except for a few amendments that were made by the state government in relation to holding agricultural land by trusts. The founder is the person who also called the author, entrusts properties towards the objects of the trusts to the trustee.


    Steps to register Charitable trust in Chennai

    Trust registration consulting

    Initial discussion with the client is carried out to understand the requirements of the clients, proposed trust by-laws and the activities to be carried by the trust.

    Trust deed drafting

    The trust deed is drafted after considering the inputs from the discussion with the client. Additional attention is given to the drafting of important activities to be carried out by the trust.

    Appointment for trust registration

    Appointment for registration of TRUST with the state registration department is fixed as per the preferable dates provided by the client.

    Trust deed registration

    On the date of appointment, the signed trust deed is submitted to the registrar, and founders and witnesses are required to be present in the respective register office for biometric verification and document registration. The registered trust deed will be returned by the Tamil Nadu State Registration Department after scanning for record purposes.

    Application for trust PAN card

    PAN card application for trust is applied after receiving a registered trust deed from the registration department.

    Post registration Consultation

    Final consultation with the client is provided on how to proceed to application for exemption and details regarding the other compliances required are provided.

    From Auditor DESK

    Charitable trust registration is primarily preferred for carrying the charitable activities and other activities that are for the advancement of the public, so it is recommended to register a charitable trust only for the activates for charitable activities.

    Charitable Trust registration FAQs

    Important charitable trust registration questions that are frequently asked
    Drafting and approval of trust deed by the client takes 2-3 working days, plus 2-3 working days for registration of trust with state registration department. Once trust registration is completed with the registration department, PAN application for trust can be applied.
    Filing of income tax returns is mandatory if income before giving effect to exemption is above the basic exemption limit.
    For Every charitable trust that does not opt for exemption under 12A the due date is the end of JULY, if the trust opts to claim an exemption under 12A then an audit is mandatory therefore the due date for filing the return is 31st of October.
    If the trust deed has the provision for the addition of a trustee, then the trustee can be added after following the conditions provided in the trust deed.
    As per section 172A for each day of delay an amount of Rs.100 is to be paid as a penalty from the day following the due date and till the date of filing the income tax return. In addition to the penalty under section 172A, the penalty under section 234F is also applicable for delay in filing the income tax return.
    Exemption to specified services is provided in nature of charitable nature through notification no 12/2017 to the charitable organization, therefore if the trust engages in any of the activities covered under the said notification then the exemption will be available.
